作 者 | 论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 卷期号 | 类别 |
张 凝 | Stretchableand Shelf-Stable All-Polymer Supercapacitors Based on | ACSapplied energy materials | 2020,8 | 一类 |
张新红 | Upscaleproduction of (R)mandelic acid with a stereospecific nitrilase inan aqueous system | Bioprocessand Biosystems Engineering | 2020,43:1299–1307 | 一类 |
鲍 腾 | Catalyticdegradation of p-chlorophenol by muscovite-supported nano zerovalent iron composite: Synthesis, characterization, and mechanismstudies | AppliedClay Science | 2020,195,105735 | 一类 |
鲍 腾 | Bentonite-supportednano zero-valent iron composite as a green catalyst for bisphenolA degradation: Preparation, performance, and mechanism of action | Journalof Environmental Management | 一类 | |
鲍 腾 | Useof autoclaved aerated concrete particles for simultaneous removalof nitrogen and phosphorus as filter media from domesticwastewater | EnvironmentalTechnology | 2020,41(23) | 一类 |
笪春年 | SedimentRecords of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Yangtze Riverof | Bulletinof Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 2020, | 一类 |
笪春年 | Sedimentrecords of polybrominated diphenyl ethers | MarinePollution Bulletin | 2020,160,11171 | 一类 |
姜苏薇 | Reviewon D-Allulose: In vivo Metabolism, Catalytic Mechanism,EngineeringStrain Construction,Bio-Production Technology | frontiersin Bioengineering and Biotechnology | 2020,8 | 一类 |
孟 伟 | AdditiveModulation of DNA-DNA Interactions by Interstitial Ions | BiophysicalJournal | 2020,118(12) | 一类 |
阮班锋 | Synthesisand structure-activity relationship study ofpyrrolidineoxadiazoles as anthelmintics against Haemonchuscontortus | EuropeanJournal of Medicinal Chemistry | 2020,190 | 一类 |
王晓飞 | Genotoxicityof microcystin-LR in mammalian cells: Implicationfrom | Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety | 2020,195 | 一类 |
王晓飞 | Mutagenicityof 7-ketocholesterol in CHO cells: The role of lipid peroxidation | Toxicology | 2020,446 | 一类 |
巫 杨 | Zero-valentiron-based technologies for removal of heavy metal(loid)s andorganic pollutants from the aquatic environment: Recent advancesand perspectives | Journal of Cleaner Production | 2020,277 | 一类 |
巫 杨 | Hydrothermalconversion of waste cartons into a magnetic carbon-iron compositefor use as an efficient and recyclable dye adsorbent | Journalof Colloid and Interface Science | 2020,578 | 一类 |
张 敏 | Thecrystal structure of (E)-2-(4-((4-fluorobenzyl)oxy)styryl) 4,6-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, C24H21FO4 | Z.Kristallogr. | 2020,235(5),1059-1061 | 一类 |
朱小磊 | Ultrasensitiveand Simultaneous Electrochemical Determination of Pb2+ and Cd2+Based on Biomass Derived Lotus Root-Like Hierarchical PorousCarbon/Bismuth Composite | Journalof The Electrochemical Society | 2020,167(8) | 一类 |
卫新来 | Purificationof Methylsulfonylmethane from Mixtures | Membranes | 2020,10(2) | 一类 |
笪春年 | 燃煤电厂煤中那氯的迁移和释放特征 | 环境化学 | 2020,10,39 | 二类 |
蔡 悦 | 基于SSR标记的琅琊山球孢白僵菌寄主专化性 | 菌物学报 | 2020,39(7) | 二类 |
叶劲松 | 硫铁矿尾矿中铜的硫酸浸出 | 过程工程学报 | 2020,20(09) | 二类 |
陈 俊 | 镁基污泥炭催化臭氧氧化去除废水中偶氮染料特性研究 | 佳木斯大学学报 | 2020,38(4) | 三类 |
刘盛萍 | 何家小岭尾矿库周边土壤重金属污染状况分析及潜在风险评价 | 安庆师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2020,26(03) | 三类 |
夏潇潇 | 膨化稻壳的结构表征及固定化α-淀粉酶的研究 | 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) | 2020,43(11) | 三类 |
晋 松 | 环境通识教育在应用型本科高校的探索与实践 | 云鼎国际4118welcome院报 | 2020, | 三类 |
王储炎 | DACUM分析法在食品专业评估中的应用探索 | 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2020,45(4):122-126 | 三类 |
王储炎 | 蓝莓微波干燥动力学模型的研究 | 保鲜与加工 | 2020,20(5):78-82 | 三类 |
卫新来 | 高级氧化技术在废水处理中的应用进展 | 应用化工 | 2020,49(4) | 三类 |
丁海涛 | 水生植物对富营养化水体的净化效果研究 | 佳木斯大学学报 | 2020,38(01) | 三类 |